INFINIAS Single Door Add Kit with HID Prox Reader, Allegion Moritse strike & Sensors


The INFINIAS Single Door Add Kit with HID Prox Reader, Allegion Mortise Strike and Sensors includes the door hardware and accessories you need to get started with an IP-based access control solution

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Part Numbers

The kit includes an INFINIAS Ethernet-enabled door controller, HID prox reader, mounting box, plus other needed accessories such as door strike and door sensor, so you can quickly and easily add a door to your network.

The strike is an Allegion Locknetics MDS100 mortise strike, 1” deep, with 5 face plates.

The reader is equipped with a 9ft cable, reducing installation time by eliminating the need to splice wires and troubleshoot unnecessary wire connections. INFINIAS offers a variety of door add kits that provide various hardware and accessory options designed to suit your specific needs. This single door add kit is ideal for new access control installations.

The single door kit includes an INFINIAS Ethernet-enabled single door controller, HID prox reader, MDS100 mortise strike, and mounting box.

Available Parts

# Name
S-DOOR-KIT-WH-LMS INFINIAS Single Door Add Kit with HID Prox Reader, Allegion Moritse strike & Sensors


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