Proximity Reader & Wiegand Keypad


The 3xLOGIC R-MPKW-CHAR-AH proximity reader & Wiegand keypad is a small form factor device, charcoal in color, offering a unique and attractive appearance. The sleek device is suitable for any environment, indoor or outdoor. Equipped with a polycarbonate front plate, it is stylish, slim, and compact in design. The R-MPKW-CHAR-AH is compatible with most access control systems that support Wiegand format.

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Part Numbers

The 3xLOGIC R-MPKW-CHAR-AH proximity reader & Wiegand keypad is a small form factor device, charcoal in color, offering a unique and attractive appearance. The sleek device is suitable for any environment, indoor or outdoor. Equipped with a polycarbonate front plate, it is stylish, slim, and compact in design. The R-MPKW-CHAR-AH is compatible with most access control systems that support Wiegand format.


The 3xLOGIC Access Control Readers and Door Accessories are a robust, affordable, and outdoor friendly.


This elegant family of products with a slim and compact design supports a new and innovative door status visibility.


Ensures a safe environment for your employees, customers, and partners.


This elegant family of products with a slim and compact design supports a new and innovative door status visibility.

Available Parts

# Name
R-MPKW-CHAR-AH 3xLOGIC Branded Proximity Reader & Wiegand Keypad

Related Parts - Mounting Options

# Name
PLATEGB-CHAR Single Gang Box Mounting Plate
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